//  $0 - responsible role for scheduling the review
//  $1 - The reviewed artefact
//  $2 - responsible reviewer
//  $3 - name of the review
//  $4 - baseline

include resources/blocks/spice_SUP4.txt;

artefact topic {
    label $3 + " review";
    contains comment;
    relations $1,$4;

artefact comment {
    label $3 + " comment";
    brief "Can ether be a finding or only the notification, that there are no findings.";

activity schedule {
    label "schedule " + $3 + " review";
    responsible $0; 
    tool forumTool;
    set topic(null,started);
    subactivities spice_SUP4BP1, spice_SUP4BP3;

activity addComment {
    label "add " + $3 + " comment";
    responsible $2; 
    tool forumTool;
    create comment;
    set topic(started,started);
    subactivities spice_SUP4BP2, spice_SUP4BP4, spice_SUP4BP5;

activity close {
    label "close " + $3 + " review";
    responsible $0; 
    tool forumTool;
    set topic(started,closed);
    subactivities spice_SUP4BP6, spice_SUP4BP7, spice_SUP4BP8;